Wednesday, November 6, 2013

an inspiring resourceful blog.

In this Digital era of Internet, things are fast moving. Businesses are now extremely required to expand online presence. New windows, opportunities, methods are unveiled constantly to reach a more specific and streamlined customers or clients. It's no more limited to functional Web Hosting or Search Engine Optimization, it's now expanded to Content Hosting, optimization or distribution. Major chunk of internet usage are driven via Smart Phones. Here's a novice trying to figure things out in the vast ocean of Social Networking, recommending a resourceful link. Wisdom I for sharing. Cheers....


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sovereign Risk | Certified Hedge Fund Professional (CHP)

After the United States' near default and all of the problems with the European Sovereign Debt Crisis, it is a good time for a free training video on sovereign risk

Friday, July 19, 2013

Workshops by "Imagine H2O"

MIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT Workshop
MIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT Workshop
MIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT Workshop
MIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT WorkshopMIT Workshop

Workshops, a set by Imagine H2O on Flickr.

Access to Clean Water is a major crisis that the humanity needs to address. There are predictions that the next war could be for the rights of water resources. "Imagine H20" is constantly working on functional solutions to ensure access to clean water for everyone.

Hydro-electric power collector

Watch "Amazing Hydro-Electric Power Collector" on YouTube